Sunday, July 12, 2020

All these components, equipment, materials, technologies and general self-reliance plus talent that Japan and South Korea are developing and cultivating, these will directly and indirectly also help China's technology sector to ride through the storm of US attacks. Engineers being trained and nurtured by Fujitsu, NEC, Samsung, etc., will be up for grabs by China, as will be the hardware and software created in these nations.

Japanese companies fight for share of EUV chip technology sector

Korea Inc. ditches Japan chipmaking materials for homegrown supply

South Korea's SK mass-produces Japan-grade etching gas

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Facing immense losses from its 737 Max fiasco, Boeing will covertly encourage expansion of America's global wars, in an attempt to shore up its overall finances via increased military sales, thus killing countless more innocents.

An interesting link can be seen between the commercial performance of Boeing's passenger plane division, and the lives of innocent and otherwise-unrelated civilians in far-off countries. Any financial pressure on Boeing's civil aircraft division will be recovered by additional US wars and additional US bombing / killing, with the victims paying for Boeing's financial woes with their lives. Coronavirus can similarly be connected to USA's wars - this pandemic will put immense pressure on Boeing [and Airbus], and Boeing will "lobby" the Pentagon to expand the scale and scope of its global warfare, so that Boeing's weapons business gets a boost. More deaths than the virus will ever cause on its own.

Boeing 737 Max cancellations pile up in bleak start to the year

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Not unreasonable to think that America might itself ultimately kill Juan Guaido in order to create a pretext to strike Venezuela [COMPACTIDEA]

The "President Guaido" bomb is fast turning out as a dud - a year has already passed without significant dividends, despite crushing sanctions accompanying the political cover given to him. America has so far failed to remove the "Maduro former regime". How now to milk whatever equity Guaido still has left in his body and his brand, in case America decides that it needs to change its regime change strategy and dispose Guaido while not looking like a fool? US could deniably assassinate Guaido - a pretty, pretty easy task - and put the blame squarely on Maduro, in order to justify a crushing military attack on the Venezuelan government, perhaps one in which Maduro and his top officials 'accidentally' get killed?

Guaido should be careful. Strangely, Nicolas Maduro too.